iBoard Africa Interactive Touch Screen Solutions
Iboard AfricaIboard AfricaIboard Africa
+263 77 674 1112
Iboard AfricaIboard AfricaIboard Africa



The Future of Education is Here In today’s digital age, classrooms need dynamic tools to keep students engaged and foster a love of learning. iBoard Africa’s interactive screens transform the traditional classroom into a hub of innovation, collaboration, and excitement. Key Features: Large, high-resolution touchscreens for crystal-clear presentations Intuitive software…
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Retail & Restaurants

Transform Shopping with iBoard Africa’s Interactive Solutions Drive sales, enhance the customer experience, and modernize your brand with iBoard Africa’s interactive retail tools.   Applications: Eye-Catching Product Displays: High-resolution visuals, 360-degree product views, detailed information Virtual Try-On & Customization: AR/VR experiences, personalized recommendations Interactive Lookbooks & Catalogs: Browse the latest…
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Public Service Areas and Airports

Where Stories Come to Life Captivate audiences and elevate your message with iBoard Africa’s interactive displays. From newsrooms to museums to corporate lobbies, our technology transforms how information is delivered and consumed. Applications: News & Broadcast: Dynamic data visualizations, real-time social media feeds, interactive maps Exhibitions & Museums: High-resolution artifact…
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(10am - 05 pm)
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