iBoard Africa Interactive Touch Screen Solutions
Iboard AfricaIboard AfricaIboard Africa
+263 77 674 1112
Iboard AfricaIboard AfricaIboard Africa


The Future of Education is Here

In today’s digital age, classrooms need dynamic tools to keep students engaged and foster a love of learning. iBoard Africa’s interactive screens transform the traditional classroom into a hub of innovation, collaboration, and excitement.

Key Features:

    • Large, high-resolution touchscreens for crystal-clear presentations
    • Intuitive software for creating interactive lessons, games, and simulations
    • Wireless connectivity for seamless sharing and collaboration
    • Integration with existing educational software and tools


Benefits for Students:

    • Hands-on learning experiences that cater to all learning styles
    • Increased motivation and participation
    • Development of 21st-century skills like critical thinking and problem-solving


Benefits for Educators:

    • Streamlined lesson planning with ready-made resources and templates
    • Real-time feedback and assessment tools
    • Ability to differentiate instruction and personalize learning paths


  • Harare, Zimbabwe
  • +263 77 674 1112
  • sales@iboardafrica.co.zw


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